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Gary Farber's notes on personal steps one can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Personal Climate Action Ideas



There are many low-cost actions that people can take to help counter the forces driving global heating.  See the Low-Cost Actions page of this website for ideas.  Also see the "Reducing Greenhouse Emissions on the Cheap" sections on the Space Conditioning Systems and the Electric Drive Cars pages of this website.


As most scientists who study the earth's changing climate agree, we are experiencing a "climate crisis". See , for example. The warming of the earth's atmosphere, lands and waters is greatly, negatively, impacting the ecosystems upon which the earth's flora and fauna - including humans - depend for survival.


'Global Heating', or 'Climate Change', is mainly caused by our extraction, processing, transport, and burning of fossil fuels, primarily for transportation, buildings, agriculture and manufacturing. Pollution that causes global heating is sometimes referred to as Greenhouse Gas Emissions, or GHG Emissions.  A good summary of humanity's actions that cause global heating can be found at .


This website consists of the following pages:​

  • Low-Cost Actions

  • Renewable Electricity

  • Building Energy Efficiency

  • Space Conditioning Systems

  • Water Heating Systems

  • Electric Drive Cars

  • About


Links to all of these pages are found in the white band at the top of each page.



  • Information provided on building systems and motor vehicles is based on information I have learned in my professional capacity as a building energy analyst, having various equipment upgraded around out home, and as a car owner researching about, and purchasing, various types of plug-in vehicles. 


  • Mentions of any specific equipment is not an endorsement of that equipment.


  • Not responsible for information contained in cited websites.


  • Before purchasing systems in the cause of helping to reduce fossil fuel use (and often lowering energy costs as well), please do your own research and consult with professionals who are knowledgeable about the type(s) of equipment you are considering purchasing.


  • This website is hosted on the free version of WIX.  WIX is solely responsible advertising, if any, that may appear on this website. 



Should you have any suggestions for this website - including additional information, corrections, and resource references, please forward them to me at

Personal Climate Action Ideas - Gary Farber

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